Google Ads Budget Calculator

Use our free Google Ads budget calculator to estimate ad spend cost, Return on Investment (ROI), and Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) from your Google Ad campaigns.

Building a Google Ads budget is a tough challenge for both the beginner and the pro. A carefully planned budget and expected ROI serve as an essential part of creating any successful campaign on Google Ads. Use our complimentary tool below to analyze how much you need to allocate to reach your desired KPI goals.

PPC Ads Metrics

${{ ad_spend }} ${{ cpc }} {{ lead_conversion }}%

Sales Metrics

{{ qual_leads }}% {{ sales_proposal }}% {{ sales_close_rate }}% ${{ average_revenue }} {{ product_margin }}% ${{ agency_fees }}

PPC Ads Metrics

Total Website Sessions from PPC

{{ web_sessions }}


{{ conversions }}

Cost Per Raw Inquiry

${{ cost_per_inquiry }}

Sales Metrics

Monthly Totals

Prospect to Qualified Lead CVR

{{ monthly_totals }} Leads

Sales Proposal Delivered

{{ proposals }} Proposals


{{ sales }} Sales

Business Metrics

Per Sale

Gross Revenue

${{ average_revenue }}

Average Costs

${{ average_costs_sale }}

Gross Profit

${{ gross_profit_sale }}

Per Month

Gross Revenue

${{ gross_revenue }}

Average Costs

${{ average_costs_monthly }}

Gross Profit

${{ gross_profit_monthly }}

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

{{ return_ad_spend }}%

Return on Investment (ROI)

{{ return_investment }}%